
essenes settlementAccording to Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, the Essenes are a select group of priests who initially came from Egypt.  They were taught the secrets of the Universe by Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) before his murder/disappearance, after a period of 17 years as ruler.  During his 17-year rule, these men and women, of which there were 300, were initiated into the mystery school.  Whe Akhenaten disappeared they feared for their life and left Egypt in the middle of the night-  Taking their knowledge west.

Who Were the Essenes?

Historically, the Essenes were a Jewish sect that lived in relative isolation during the Second Temple period, roughly around the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE. They are most famous for their connection to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea in the 20th century.

These scrolls offered tantalizing glimpses into their beliefs, which were deeply spiritual and focused on purity, community, and a connection with the divine. The Essenes believed in communal living, strict adherence to Jewish law, and ritual purity, which set them apart from other Jewish groups like the Pharisees and Sadducee’s.


For many centuries little was known about these people.  How they lived and what they believed was mostly lost.  It is known that Jesus of Nazareth spent many years with the Essenes and it was thought that his teachings were his own until the written history of these ancient people was found.   The “Dead Sea Scrolls” as they have come to be known are a confirmation of many of the stories in the bible.  Giving historical and archaeological evidence to what some say is a legend.Essenes_Humanity-Healing

One of the most interesting books I have read on the Essene’s comes from Dolores Cannon. “Jesus and the Essene’s”  For those who aren’t aware of the lifelong work of Dolores Cannon I highly recommend you seek her books out.  She died a few years back but her body of work will live on.

If you’re familiar with the works of Dolores Cannon, you know she had a knack for diving into the mysteries of ancient civilizations, lost knowledge, and all things metaphysical. One of the most fascinating topics she explored is the Essenes, a mysterious sect said to have existed during the time of Jesus. But Cannon’s perspective on the Essenes goes far beyond the history books. Through her work as a hypnotherapist, she uncovered astonishing details about this ancient group, tapping into what she called the collective subconscious and the hidden history of humanity.

However, Dolores Cannon‘s take on the Essenes goes much deeper than these historical records.

Dolores is renowned for being able to put people into hypnotic trances and delving deep into past lives.  One of her subjects remembers being an Essene and one of the members of the group assigned to teach not only Jesus but also John (the Baptist).  His area of expertise was the lore.  It’s interesting to hear his excitement when the sign (a conjunction of stars which appeared huge and bright in the sky) was witnessed by this character.   It was very interesting to go on the journey with the subject because of the way Dolores explores their subconscious it’s like we are talking to the person in that era as they are living it.  This also means until they have lived it they don’t know what’s to happen.  So we get the hear the prophecy and how the Essenes knew who the mother of the messiah would be (using astrology by the way) and the signs of his arrival (the star etc).  He also confirms that Jesus was a real person and that he was crucified.  The subject Dolores hypnotized was able to watch the crucifixion even though the body of that teacher in his past had died himself he was able to watch it from the resting place, with other souls on that plane.

From this book, we understand that even in there times the Essenes were almost self-appointed outcasts.  They kept to themselves and were very secretive about their knowledge.  It was quite funny to hear this modern person become cagy when regressed to his past life. Dolores is very skillful and was able to calm him and coax more information out of him.  Within the esseense sect  members were tasked with a life of learning a different single subject or group of subjects so as to become experts. Apparently they did wear white robes, they did live in the mountains away from the towns, and they did understand esoteric (hidden or inner) truths that regular people of the day did not.  Women were equal and were not only educated but were highly respected and acted as teachers also.

The fact that so much of this civilization has been lost is sad.  But has it really been lost?  It appears that the teaching of Jesus is the teaching of the Essene.  Can Christianity be the worldwide spread of Essene knowledge? from what I heard and what I know of the bible, it appears so.

Dolores Cannon’s Discoveries Through Hypnosis

Cannon’s work was based on her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), where she regressed clients to past lives, sometimes uncovering lives spent in ancient times. Over the years, several of her clients—completely independent of one another—regressed to past lives as members of the Essenes. What emerged from these sessions was an incredible picture of a spiritually advanced group with ties to higher-dimensional beings and cosmic knowledge.

According to Cannon, the Essenes were more than just a Jewish sect; they were guardians of ancient, mystical wisdom, some of which was believed to come from extraterrestrial sources. She describes them as being in contact with highly evolved beings from other realms, which they referred to as “masters” or “guides.” These beings were said to have guided the Essenes in preparing for the arrival of a special individual who would change the course of human history—none other than Jesus Christ.

Preparing for the Coming of Christ

One of the most intriguing revelations from Cannon’s work was the Essenes’ role in preparing the world for the birth and mission of Jesus. According to her findings, the Essenes had foreknowledge of his coming and were actively working behind the scenes to create the right conditions for his arrival. In fact, some of her subjects revealed that Jesus himself was trained by the Essenes as a child, learning the ancient wisdom and spiritual practices that would later become the cornerstone of his teachings.

The Essenes, Cannon claimed, were not just passive observers in the unfolding of biblical events; they were active participants in the spiritual evolution of humanity. They were keepers of sacred knowledge, which had been passed down through the ages from earlier advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis and Lemuria. This knowledge, which included everything from healing techniques to metaphysical concepts about the nature of the universe, was preserved by the Essenes in their secret communities.

The Essenes and Higher-Dimensional Beings

One of the more extraordinary aspects of Cannon’s work is her assertion that the Essenes were in regular contact with higher-dimensional beings. These beings, who she described as existing in realms beyond our physical universe, were said to have a deep interest in the spiritual development of humanity.

In Cannon’s sessions, the Essenes were portrayed as having access to multi-dimensional planes, where they could communicate with these beings to receive guidance, knowledge, and even visions of the future. Some of the teachings they received were about the structure of the universe, the nature of the soul, and the karmic cycles of reincarnation.

The Lost Wisdom of the Essenes

According to Dolores Cannon, much of the wisdom held by the Essenes has been lost or deliberately hidden over the centuries. This wisdom included advanced healing techniques, such as the use of sound and vibration to heal the body and mind, as well as an understanding of how to access higher states of consciousness.

Interestingly, she also uncovered that the Essenes had a profound knowledge of astral travel and meditation practices that allowed them to leave their bodies and explore other realms of existence. This ability to access higher dimensions was, in part, what allowed them to receive guidance from beings in other realms and even foresee events before they happened.

Cannon believed that much of this knowledge had been suppressed by religious and political institutions throughout history but was slowly being rediscovered in the modern age. She suggested that people today, through spiritual awakening and deeper exploration of metaphysical subjects, were beginning to tap back into this ancient wisdom.

The Essenes and Modern Spirituality

Dolores Cannon’s work suggests that the teachings and practices of the Essenes are incredibly relevant to modern spiritual seekers. Their emphasis on purity, meditation, and communication with higher realms mirrors many of the practices found in contemporary spiritual movements. According to Cannon, the Essenes understood that spiritual growth is not about blind faith or adherence to dogma, but about direct experience with the divine and the cultivation of inner wisdom.

Many of the ideas that Cannon uncovered about the Essenes align with concepts such as ascension, 5D consciousness, and raising one’s vibration—ideas that have gained popularity in the spiritual community today.

A Timeless Legacy

Dolores Cannon’s revelations about the Essenes present them as more than just an ancient Jewish sect; they were guardians of mystical wisdom and spiritual pioneers who played a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual evolution of humanity. Through her work, Cannon painted a picture of the Essenes as deeply connected to higher realms, bearers of ancient cosmic knowledge, and active participants in preparing the world for the mission of Jesus Christ.

Today, the legacy of the Essenes lives on, not just in historical records or the Dead Sea Scrolls, but in the growing interest in spiritual practices that seek to reconnect us with our higher selves and the greater cosmos. Through the lens of Dolores Cannon, the Essenes offer a window into a lost world of divine wisdom and a path forward for those seeking to awaken to their own spiritual potential.


  1. Dolores Cannon, Jesus and the Essenes
  2. Dolores Cannon, The Convoluted Universe series
  3. Dead Sea Scrolls, Historical findings on the Essenes

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