Angel Hierarchy
HIERARCHY ANGEL according to Celestial Hierarchy of Dionysis Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas
The First Triad (Highest Triad)
Seraphim- Choir 1
said to be :
– highest order of God’s Angelic Servants
– appear with six wings and four heads
– known as ‘fiery serpents’
– beings of pure light
– angels of love, light and fire
– keep negative energy from getting through to divinity
– shine so brilliantly with light that humans unlikely to see them
-chant the Trisagion, “Holy, holy, holy…”
guidance for : humanitarian and planetary causes
- Michael
- Kemeul
- Jehoel
- Seraphiel
- Uriel
- Nathanael
- Metatron
Cherubim- Choir 2
said to be :
– angels of Harmony &Wisdom
– guard the light and the stars
– channel positive energy from the divine
– angels of boundless love,knowledge
– can function as personal guards
– guarding religious temples
guidance for : -divine protection, knowledge,wisdom
- Gabriel
- Raphael
- Zophiel
- Cherubiel
- Ophaniel
Thrones- Choir 3
said to be :
– angels of justice & will
– known as the “many-eyed ones
– create, send and collect positive energy
guidance for : – relationships and planetary issues
- Orifiel
- Japhakiel
- Raziel
- Baradiel
- Zaphkiel
Second Triad (Middle Triad)
The Dominions – Choir 1
said to be :
– angels of intuition & wisdom
– divine leaders
– combining spiritual and material
-order of the law of cause and effect
– making adjustments when highest human interests are not followed by churches, politicians, leaders
guidance for : –mediating ,arbitrating, divine wisdom
- Zadkiel
- Hasamael
- Muriel
- Zacharel
The Virtues –Choir 2
said to be :
– angels of movement & choice
– known as “The Miracle Angels
– sending spiritual energy to the collective human consciousness
– helping those that strive to go beyond and accomplish what others call impossible
– loving positive people who try to help, enlighten and lead others towards harmony
guidance for : healing through elemental energies, Earth, Air, Fire, Water Spirit
- Uzziel
- Haniel
- Michael
- Babiel
- Peuel
- Gabriel
The Powers – Choir 3
said to be :
– angels of space & form
– keep track of human history
– organizers for world religions
– dispensing justice and chaos
-sending messages if someone is out to harm you
– defending your home,family,friends
guidance for : protection, defense
- Raphael
- Camael
- Verchiel
Third Triad (Lowest Triad)
The Principalities- Choir 1
said to be :
– angels of time & personality
– guard continents, countries, cities,large groups
– working toward global reform
– channel positive energy
– protectors of politics and religion
guidance for : extinction of animals, leadership problems,human rights, discrimination
- Uriel
- Anael
- Michael
- Raguel
- Raphael
- Gabriel
- Remiel
The Archangels- Choir 2
said to be :
– angels of fire, ruling angels
– able to belong to several levels in the hierarchy angel
– enjoy human contact
guidance for : different attributes per archangel
- Michael
- Raphael
- Remiell
- Uriel
- Gabriel
- Raguel
- Sariel
The Angels- Choir 3
said to be :
– messenger angels , nature angels
– assigned to humans, such as guardian angels,
– involved in human and physical manifestation
– channel from divinity to human
– needing to be asked, will not always interfere
– guardian angel can come from any level – communicating with all other angels
guidance for :
– transformation, death, birth
– defence and protection
Names are varied, and plentiful communicate as intermediaries between God & Humans
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