Code in Extraterrestrial Face Decoded by Mathematician
“Crabwood message consists of two parts. An alien picture and a picture representing spiral like bit sequence starting from the center of the picture and proceeding counterclockwise. It has been proposed that the message is coded using 9-bit code and that 8-bit portions obey ASCII code.
The disc was deciphered by Paul Vigay by simply using ASCII computer code:
“Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises.
Much pain but still time.
There is good out there.
We Oppose deception.
Conduit closing.”
The primary part of their binary code warned about our future on Earth, and implied that our electronic news media were lying. Nearby was a radio transmitter for the BBC, to which the crop picture pointed! Given the extreme length and complexity of this message, any attempts to explain it by human fakery can surely be ruled out.
The image of an alien accompanying the bit sequence indeed suggests this. This something very essential could obviously include the code for translating ordinary DNA triplets to amino-acids. Perhaps also the code for translating the exotic RNA doublets to the analogs of amino-acids. These analogs could be even electromagnetic waves. There could be also other codes: just at the time when the Crabwood message had arrived I developed entire hierarchy of cognitive codes based on Mersenne primes and regular polygons constructible using only compass and ruler. The first guess is that the message should be represented by some universal code. The appearance of 3 × 3 = 9-bit code words decomposing naturally to 3 sequences of 3-bits suggests that a cognitive code consistent with genetic code might be involved. This guess was very useful in that it led to the identification of the genetic code of exotic RNA and the decomposition of 3 3-bit portions also suggests immediately that information about RNA is in question. It however turned out that ASCII code is the proper manner to interpret the message, ninth bit serves as a separation sign only. The interpretation relies on extremely general aspects of the ASCII code: capital and small letters correspond to amino-acids and capital and small forms of a given letter denote for the same amino-acid. Control signs denote the amino-acidic counterparts for the code associated with the exotic RNA. The ordering of the symbols does not matter. One could also use different kinds of symbols: only the numbers of various kinds of symbols telling how many code words are mapped to a particular amino-acid (or whatever counterpart of it) matter.”
It’s quite complicated, I know. Paul Vigay, a British computer consultant notable for work in developing and supporting RISC OS software and longtime researcher in the field, was the first to discover that the message was encoded in ASCI binary code. He also worked with Mel Gibson on the film Signs, but unfortunately died a very mysteries death.
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