Donald Trump, who supports him?
Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 2016 and became 45th president of the United States of America after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education. I have never seen a presidential race with so much propaganda both before AND after the election. This one is monotonous. We are living in historically important times.
Before we go any further, let’s just put it out there and say Clinton would have been a disaster for America and Trump is just the better of the choices- which weren’t great to start with, he’s the lesser of the two evils per se. Ok now onto our analysis.
The dry statistics reveal, Trump won white voters by a margin almost identical to that of Mitt Romney, who lost the popular vote to Barack Obama in 2012. However, although Trump fared little better among blacks and Hispanics than Romney did four years ago, Hillary Clinton did not run as strongly among these core Democratic groups as Obama did in 2012.Women supported Clinton over Trump by 54% to 42%. This is about the same as the Democratic advantage among women in 2012 (55% Obama vs. 44% Romney) and 2008 (56% Obama vs. 43% McCain). By 53% to 41%, more men supported Trump than Clinton (the 12-point margin is identical to the margin by which women supported Clinton). The advantage for Trump among men is larger than the 7-point advantage Romney had in 2012 and much different than in 2008, when men preferred Obama over McCain by a single point.
Apparently the average Trump supporter is :
- less educated than the average Republican (So? College degrees don’t give people the right to look down their noses at others wanting better for their family- which is what Trump promised).
- poorer than the average Republican (How much does the average Republican earn and where is the stats on income per Trump voter? Where is this information from????)
- authoritarian (Compared with who? The maniacs in the street beating them for supporting Trump? hmmm not sure about this one)
- populist (member of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Nothing wrong with that)
- less likely to have a good credit score (Now where did they get this load of BS from. There are plenty of wealthy men and women who support Trump)
Yada,yada, yada…
New research reveals that his supporters, on average, do not have lower incomes than other Americans, nor are they more likely to be unemployed. The Gallup analysis is the most comprehensive statistical profile of Trump’s supporters so far. Jonathan Rothwell, the economist at Gallup who conducted the analysis. Five findings in particular from Rothwell’s work are noteworthy: those related to economic factors such as income, manufacturing and opportunity, as well as his conclusions about health and racial diversity.
- From polls, it is clear that Trump’s supporters tend to be blue-collar men with lower levels of education. Among people who had similar educations, lived in similar places, belonged to the same religion and so on, those with greater incomes were modestly more likely to favor Trump. They were just as likely to be either working or looking for work as others.
- Trump’s supporters do live and work in economies reliant on manufacturing that have been exposed to intense competition from China. They themselves believe their personal finances have been negatively affected by trade: A poll by the Pew Research Center during the primary found that 60 percent of Trump’s supporters said trade had hurt their family’s finances, compared with 42 percent of Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s supporters and 36 percent of those supporting Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.).
- Trump supporters might not be experiencing acute economic distress, but they are living in places that lack economic opportunity for the next generation. Trump has found success playing up economic grievances, stoking anxieties about immigrants, and complaining about Chinese competition. How is it then, that so many of his supporters seem to be economically secure?
- Among Americans who were similar in terms of income, age, education and other factors, those who lived in places where people were less healthy had more favorable views of Trump. In other words, between two people who earn the same amount of money and have the same amount of schooling, the person who comes from a place with bad health is more likely to support Trump. It’s hard to say what is causing this bad health, but at least some of this probably has roots in cultural practices — diet and exercise habits, patterns of drinking and smoking, and more.
- Although Trump voters tend to be the most skeptical about immigration, they are also the least likely to actually encounter an immigrant in their neighborhood. A study from 2006 found that native-born Americans living in Zip codes with lots of immigrants tended to hold immigrants in higher esteem. For instance, they were about twice as likely to say that immigrants “strengthen the US with their hard work and talents.”
Really though, does any of this matter now. He’s in office and will be for the next four years. Given the unpredictable nature of Trump, it’s hard to see what he will do. So let’s look at this policies, what he stands for and what he has or has not done to date with this power as the President of the United States or ‘POTUS‘ as his twitter handle is now.
He has promised his supporters radical change.
- New Jobs- Increased building of infrastructure to get the economy moving again. It is not enough to “buy American.” It is also important to “hire American,” which means curtailing corporate abuse of the H-1B visa program that gives our good jobs to foreigners.
- Halt on immigration for the betterment of American jobs
- Building a wall on the US-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants coming into the country, bringing crime and drugs with them and taking jobs from Americans.
- Health- The promise: Trump pledged to repeal Obamacare, the Affordable Health Care Act. This complex legislation may be Obama’s proudest achievement and is designed to fill the gap in healthcare for the poor that dogs the American private system. However it is a noose around the necks of many. (Which was passed today, the 4th May 2017)
- Initially he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email serve and “lock her up” if needed. Since then, he has suggested that investigating Clinton would not be a top priority.
- Trump pledged to “move criminal aliens out [on] day one”. He told 60 Minutes on CBS he will aim to jail or deport between two and three million illegal immigrants, focusing on criminals, gang members and drug dealers.
- Trump signed an Executive Order on improving accountability & whistleblower protection
On 29 May, it will be 100 days since Donald Trump shocked the US and the world by defeating Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States. These 100 days have been plagued with snitches, spies and back stabbing. It’s been all out war for Trump as the opposition want nothing better than to see him fail.
Yet as the cat and mouse game continues, who is really in charge. Trump at first coy with the media and political unrest has now taken his gloves off and it appears he’s here for the long haul. Peace talks with Putin, not going after Cuban banks, and now chatting with north Korea – one of the few countries to refuse Rothschild banks may actually become allies to the US if Trumps discourse fairs the weather of media interference. In March the new executive order prohibits foreign nationals of six predominantly Muslim nations from entering the US for 90 days. However states and nationals protested against the ban and the courts over turned the executive order. Both Obama and Clinton did a similar short term ban and the media supported them. It is wrong now just because it’s Trump???
Conservative commentator Kayleigh McEnany in The Hill, says that Trump has amassed a “significant resume of accomplishments” considering that the Democrats have been obstructing his administration every step of the way. The work being done behind the scenes that the media is not reporting on is where the real action is. It appears the only media outlets talking about the good things Trump is doing are the so called ‘alternative media’ with the likes of Alex Jones leading the way. In his own words “Alex Jones is a unique voice that sifts through the information and exposes the underlying intentions. Alex has never taken a loan and is not beholden to advertisers, investors or any other group that could censor or influence his position.”
Long before the election Alex Jones was all for Trump. He interviewed trusted sources who vouched for Trump and after doing his own investigation came to the same conclusions. So the real question is why do so many main stream media outlets want to destroy him. What are they being paid to hide or rather what stories do they not want the pubic to know? Has anyone heard of all the arrests (1,500) of pedophiles going on around America, that he has smashed pizza-gate wide open and is actually doing something about it? Since Trump was sworn in, authorities have arrested more than 1,500 pedophiles in the United States.
“This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?” Liz Crokin wrote for Townhall.com on Feb. 25.
The numbers are “staggering” when compared to the less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests made in 2014 according to the FBI.
As the first 100 days draws to a close one thing is for sure. Donald Trump is unpredictable and enjoys shocking the media. He likes keeping everyone guessing on how he’ll react to whatever propaganda story they throw at him. There are things he has done well, there are others he could have handled better, but all in all I’d say he’s done well despite the hurricane of events thrown at him to tip him off kilter. Lets see what the next 100 days bring.
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