Emotional Vibratory Scale
Have you ever wondered why some people are just so happy all the time, nothing seems to bother them. They’re even cheerful when stuck in traffic or you push in front of them in a cue. Whistle other people seem to be sad or angry for no reason at all. Even when you are super nice and go out of your way not to offend these people – sure enough some how you do.
As we have mentioned in other articles such as XXXX and XXXX we are all energy. That’s right not the fresh and blood beings we think we are. Nope in fact if you were to look under a magnifying glass that was powerful enough ( about 800x magnification should do it) you’d see the atoms floating around you. Which in themselves are mostly space, but the rate at which they vibrate determines there structure. These atoms are the building block of the universe.
We live in a 3 Dimensional world that has a very specific frequency range. Anything outside that range does not compute within our five senses. that does not mean that the vibrations are not present. To the contrary our 3rd dimensional existence is merely the tip of the ice berg so to speak in the reality of the depth of existence beyond our comprehension.
So why am I telling you all this you may be asking. What has this got to do with emotions. Well everything really. You see because WE are energy and everything physical is energy we are effected by energy. Just below the water of our iceberg, the frequency closest to us that effects us the quickest is our thoughts and emotions. These etheric thoughts and emotions are just as real and measurable as we are on an energetic level. It is because we can measure them that we understand how they work and at what level people attract good or bad experiences to them based on the frequency they are projecting.
At the bottom of the scale is Shame, guilt and apathy. This creates such low fields of energy around a person that others can feel their negatively. These people are below anger, they have lost their spark for life and just don’t care anymore. It is often these poor souls that end their life prematurely.
Anger sits at around the 150hz mark and it surrounded by desire and Pride. All three of which are still in the contracted negative vibratory range. This is where the majority of the population sit. In a bell curve this has the highest portion of the population.
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