Inflammation Equals Disease
When we think of inflammation I guess most will automatically think of arthritis however low grade chronic inflammation can also play an ongoing part in other diseases such as autoimmune disorders, for example rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and polymyalgia rheumatica where our body’s immune system mistakenly sets up an inflammatory response although there’s no inflammation to fight off. Other inflammatory diseases include inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, colitis and ulcerative colitis. Moringa oleifera, because of it’s anti-inflammatory qualities may be beneficial in treatment of these diseases.
Some migraine sufferers find if they follow an anti inflammatory diet their migraine headaches subside. When migraines are caused by low grade chronic inflammation, taking a supplement like Moringa oleifera may also be worthwhile.
Low grade chronic inflammation is believed to be the source of many diseases including cancer, obesity and heart disease which could therefore mean it’s the foremost cause of deaths in the western world.
Quite often there will be no indication of chronic inflammation until illness occurs. Chronic inflammation can be present in your body for years with no obvious signs.
It is low grade and systemic quietly and insidiously causing damage to your tissues without you even being aware until of course you become unwell.It is obvious how extremely important it is to prevent chronic inflammation in our body. Supplementing with Moringa Oleifera may be a great way to prevent chronic inflammation.
Cycooxygenase-2 is one of the key enzymes in our body which assists the body in producing the inflammatory compounds which are necessary when we suffer an infection or an injury. These inflammatory compounds in such cases are essential for the healing process. However when the body generates excessive amounts of these key enzymes, we then suffer from chronic inflammation and pain. The phytonutrients contained in the Moringa oleifera may directly help the body to restrain and control those key enzymes which cause joint pain or those nagging pains caused by exercise or general wear and tear i.e. old age!
The Moringa “Miracle Tree” boasts an amazing 30% plant-based protein, 90+ all-natural vitamins and minerals, all 8 essential amino acids, 46 powerful antioxidants, omega’s 3, 6 and 9, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and Vitamins A, K and C.
Other than Moringa here are 10 foods which will help you fight inflammation.
Foods That Fight Inflammation
If you discover that some foods are causing inflammation in your body, the good news is that you can fight this by incorporating the 10 foods below. Remember that inflammation is also caused by stress, lack of sleep, pollution, smoking, and lack of exercise (as mentioned below), so it isn’t just diet you need to focus on. Practice stress-reduction techniques, go to sleep earlier, quit smoking (if you do), and start walking if you’re not active.
1. Turmeric
One of the best anti-inflammatory foods out there. It’s active ingredient, curcumin, inhibits the activity of COX-2 and 5-LOX, two enzymes involved in the inflammatory response. Curcumin also blocks inflammatory pathways and prevents inflammatory proteins from triggering pain and swelling. Add a turmeric latte to your daily routine using almond milk.
2. Blueberries
High in antioxidants, which prevent oxidative stress and inflammation. Promote the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body, which leaves us with lower levels of inflammation in the body.
3. Dark Leafy Greens
Kale, collards, spinach, romaine, you name it! All amazing inflammation fighters, rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules.
4. Avocado
Avocados contain polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs) and phytosterols, which provide our bodies with anti-inflammatory benefits.
5. Watermelon
Watermelon is incredibly alkalizing, watermelon helps buffer the acid intake from a high-acid diet (namely, a high-inflammatory diet).
6. Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds contain an ideal ratio of omega’s 3 and 6. Omega-6 fats contain GLA, which works in the body as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing inflammation and helping people suffering from inflammatory-related diseases.
7. Mushrooms
Mushrooms like shiitake mushrooms contain high-molecular-weight polysaccharides (HMWP), which improve immune function and help battle inflammation.
8. Ginger
Similar to turmeric, ginger is an anti-inflammatory healing root that boosts the immune system and breaks down the accumulation of toxins in the body.
9. Beetroot
High in antioxidants, beets help fight to repair cell damage caused by inflammation. They are also high in inflammation-fighting potassium and magnesium.
10. Pineapple
Pineapples contain the inflammation-fighting enzyme called bromelain. It helps regulate the immune response that often creates unwanted inflammation in the body.
Foods that Cause Inflammation
Here are the top ten worst offending foods that can contribute or trigger inflammation:
1. Refined Sugar
No surprises that sugar is at the top of the list. Sugar found in fizzy drinks, pastries and cakes, sweets, and snack bars, all increase levels of glucose in our body, which our bodies cannot process quickly enough. This increases levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body, increasing levels of inflammation in the body. Sugar also suppresses the immune system and makes it more susceptible to diseases and infection.
2. Vegetable Oil
Vegetables oils from corn, canola, soybean and safflower and all the products that contain them (even vegan “butter” spreads), are high in omega-6 fats (the bad ones, not the good ones like those found in evening primrose oil), which reduces the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. When the body gets out of balance in these fats, inflammation is a result.
3. Dairy Products
All dairy products are high in saturated fats, which are naturally inflammation-causing in some people. It is also a common allergen as our bodies have trouble digesting lactose and casein proteins. For many people dairy is seen as a foreign invader in the body, in which the bodily response is an inflammatory “attack”.
4. Wheat, Rye, and Barley
These wheat-containing grains all contain a common allergen – gluten. The body responds with an inflammatory immune response when confronted by allergens, and so the resulting effects can be body pain, mucus production (runny nose, coughing up mucus), and tiredness.
5. Fried Foods
Fried foods are another trigger for inflammation. They contain high levels of inflammatory advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are formed when anything is cooked to high temperatures, smoked, dried, fried, pasteurised or grilled.
6. Refined Flour
Refined flour, in other words, anything that is white and not whole-wheat, has been stripped of slow-digesting fibres and nutrients, which means your body breaks down these items very quickly. This will spike insulin levels, resulting in a pro-inflammatory body response.
7. Red Meat
When we consume red meat, a chemical called Neu5gc is produced. This chemical spurs cancer progression and produces an inflammatory response in the body.
8. Processed Corn
Corn is in many products. You really need to be careful to avoid this one. There are a variety of corn derivatives like high-fructose corn syrup, corn flour, and corn oil. Eating corn in these refined forms spikes blood sugar and as we have seen above, spiked blood sugar leads to an increased insulin response, which creates a major inflammatory response.
9. Artificial Chemicals and Additives
Anything artificially created, like chemicals and additives in foods, are not recognised by the body. They are foreign, and so naturally, the body needs to defend itself from these synthetic compounds, which means an inflammatory immune system response.
10. Trans Fats
Trans fats, aside from causing cancer, also create low-density lipoproteins, which feed inflammation. Trans fats are found in hydrogenated oils and many processed foods.
“Control of Inflammation
When we control inflammation, we can control what causes cells to over proliferate, causing cancer. Or when we manage inflammation so that we stay resistant to pathogens that cross our path; we can avoid the other causes of disease that inflammation causes, like Alzheimer’s, and poly-cystic diseases of the kidney or lungs and more.
First by learning what causes us to gain weight, we will find which foods cause inflammation. Second, by managing our stress, we will learn how our stress hormones cause greater food intake and inflammation
Why do I, as a woman, think this is important? Because it has helped so many of my friends feel better. I know it is hard to believe that it is not portion control and exercise that makes the difference. I know I cannot portion control when I am still hungry! By feeding my body and cells, what they need to power themselves, is what causes me to be ABLE to portion control. I don’t even crave sweets anymore. (Of course I did when I started at age 46… because I was still having those hormone cycles that caused me to be insatiable. As I aged.. I am 58 now, learning what to eat to feel full, and the slow change in hormones enabled me to manage my diet, so I didn’t crave all the stuff that I thought I couldn’t live without.
Now when I eat outside my “list” I still get too-o-o hungry and eat more. I am careful to eat as I have found what works to keep me satisfied. And More IMPORTANTLY, my colon moving without fits of starts and stops.
I know I am less inflamed, because I can keep my colon moving without digestive enzymes.
When you read the article about getting older is not about eating less, it is about enough nutrition. You will see, that my B Blood Type friends eat totally opposite of me, and yet we all manage to lose or maintain a weight, and have good blood chemistries. It is NOT ABOUT ONE THING WORKS FOR EVERYONE. We are individuals, with different likes and dislikes. We can learn to eat what is “good” for us, when we feel better. Sallie and I are good examples!
I encourage you to learn how to empower your body for the future; when you get older, you may want to know how your body works, and what will keep your colon moving, so you don’t have to have any one help “pull” it out of you. I know that is gross.
Learn how to create a non-acidic environment to keep your bones strong. Being able to walk when you are older will help keep everything running smoothly.
Create a cellular barrier, so that bacteria, and viruses will not find an easy place to make your body a home. Fight lung and kidney diseases by creating a healthy environment, and they won’t take hold. Learn what supplements will help with the fight until you are strong and sure enough to keep your body in top shape. (The best shape you can be for your age and genetics).
We even have cancer cell “identifiers” that can be ready to fight those cancer cells when they become “exposed”.
Fighting disease with food, and immune support is the greatest thing, because we now have the tools and information to fight to the best of our ability.
For food information, and learning how to put food together to power your body opt in for the 10 keys to basic health (upgraded from the original 8) and health newsletters to get you started on the foods that will power your body to greater health.”
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristi_S_Tornabene
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