Ascension Dimensions Earth Energy Schumann Resonance

Schumann Resonance and Planetary Ascension

The Schumann Frequency is precisely 7.83 Hz.  Schumann Resonance = The Earth’s Heartbeat

What we see and feel all depends n the frequency of this energy.  The Schumann Resonance is the name given to the frequency of the planet.  The Electromagnetic impulses are generated by electrical discharges such as lightning, the main excitation source, and spread laterally into the cavity. Lightning discharges have a “high-frequency component”, involving frequencies between 1 kHz and 30 kHz, followed by a “low-frequency component” consisting of waves and frequencies below 2 kHz and gradually increasing amplitude. 

Everything in the Universe is energy.

Our planet Earth is crossing the photon belt and this process has already begun. It is a cyclical process that repeats itself for about 26.000 years. It has been around for about 2000 years and also one will last cca 2000 years. It takes so long to make the demanding vibrational adaptations of the Earth and everything that constitutes it and everyone who inhabits this planet.

Changes in the earth’s magnetic field have been shown to affect human heart rhythms and have been associated with the following:

  • changes in brain and nervous-system activity;
  • athletic performance,
  • memory and other tasks;
  • synthesis of nutrients in plants and algae;
  • the number of reported traffic violations and accidents;
  • mortality from heart attacks and strokes; and incidence of depression and suicide.

Since there is a concentration of lightning activity during the afternoon in Southeast Asia, Africa and America there are Schumann Resonance amplitude peaks at 10, 16 and 22 UT (universal time), with activity over America around 22 UT being dominant. There are also +/-0.5 Hz variations in the center frequency, caused by a diurnal increase in ionization of the ionosphere as a result of radiation from the sun, having the effect of reducing the height of the ionosphere at 12 local time. Another factor which influences center frequency is sunspot activity.

German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich predicted that there are electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere, within the cavity formed by the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. Schumann and König confirmed this discovery this in 1954 when measurements resonances were detected at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz.

Dr König carried out further measurements of Schumann resonance and eventually arrived at a frequency of exactly 7.83 Hz, which is even more interesting, as this frequency is one which applies to mammals. For instance, septal driving of the hippocampal rhythm in rats has been found to have a minimum threshold at 7.7 Hz (Gray, 1982).

This relationship has been explored by a number of investigators. For further information see Natural electromagnetic fields research on the h.e.s.e. project website.

One of the foremost researchers in this field is Dr Wolfgang Ludwig, who has been investigating Schumann Resonance and its place in nature for many years.

Dr Ludwig came up with an excellent idea to take accurate measurements. When taking measurements at the earth’s surface, the reading is the result of two signals, one coming from above and one from below. But subsequently taking measurements below ground makes it possible to come up with exact readings by separating the two.


During his research Dr Ludwig came across the ancient Chinese teachings which state that Man needs two environmental signals: the YANG (masculine) signal from above and the YIN (feminine) signal from below. This description fits the relatively strong signal of the Schumann wave surrounding our planet being YANG and the weaker geomagnetic waves coming from below, from within the planet, being the YIN signal.

The Chinese teachings state that to achieve perfect health, both signals must be in balance. Dr Ludwig found that this is indeed the case. He writes in his book `Informative Medizin’ that research carried out by E.Jacobi at the University of Duesseldorf showed that the one sided use of Schumann (YANG) wave simulation without the geomagnetic (YIN) signal caused serious health problems. On the other hand, the absence of Schumann waves creates a similar situation. Professor R.Wever from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioural Physiology in Erling-Andechs, built an underground bunker which completely screened out magnetic fields. Student volunteers lived there for four weeks in this hermetically sealed environment. Professor Wever noted that the student’s circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. As they were young and healthy, no serious health conditions arose, which would not have been the case with older people or people with a compromised immune system. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the very frequency which had been screened out), the volunteers health stabilized again.

Certain wavelengths circumnavigate the earth with little attenuation due to the fact that standing waves are formed within the cavity, the circumference of which is “approximately equal to the wavelength which an electromagnetic wave with a frequency of about 7.8 Hz would have in free space” (König, 1979, p34). It is the waves of this frequency and its harmonics at 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hz that form Schumann Resonances.

2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadratic influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. These are the ‘Green Ray Activation’ in August and the ‘Renaissance Formatting’ in September . The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November.

The energies of 2013 will be somewhat less intense than the 2012 continual bombardment of solar wind amplifiers and astro portal flurries that were made to finish the Crystalline Grid, and in kind force you into up shift.

2012 was a year in which every month sequentially raised the frequencies bar. It was an obstacle course of increasing frequencies. In 2012 you were getting ready for the expansion.

So in 2013 you are reformatting to the New Earth. The frequencies that poured in continually last year, now must be fined tuned. You have several points of relaxation in 2013 that allow you to catch your breath. None the less the year contains 2 essential quadratic power phases that will take effort.

Two quadratic phases of intense energy adjustment will take place. These are the phases when you will find out what you’re really made of, and realize how far you have come.   You must stay positive and focused on what matters during this year. What you choose to focus on when resonant inserts get more challenging will determine everything.

It is essential that you remain on path, and indeed by doing so you will expand far more than you may realize.

2013 is a year of rebirth of renaissance. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherency you will expand into greater resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms. This was not entirely possible before the Ascension. This integration logically could not be fully achieved until the Crystalline Grid completed in December of 2012. Accordingly 2013 is the year for such formatting.

The remaining key phases are coded & multifaceted. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following:

  • August 16-21 – The Green Ray Activation
  • September 20- 22 – Equinox ‘Time-Gate’ Portal of Renaissance
  • October 18 – Lunar Eclipse
  • November 3 – Solar Eclipse
  • December 21, 2013 – Solstice

The ‘Time-Gate Renaissance Portal’

The ‘Renaissance’ Portal occurs from the September Equinox & completes on the Solar Eclipse. This aperture will align the New Earth to 3 phases of ‘enlightenment. Do not doubt that just as there are star gates and worm holes that connect the planet (and humanity) to higher dimensions, there are also ‘Time Gate Portals’ that connect to other epochs.

Just as similar frequencies attract through the ‘Law of Harmonic Oscillation’ so do the vibratory fields of planetary ‘eras’ naturally align. There are 3 ‘Golden Ages’ in which many of you were present that achieved very high levels of consciousness. These are:

1) The Golden Age of Atlantis ( Poseidon Law of One)
2) The Golden Age of LeMuria
3) The Golden Age of Greece

Through the Aquarian Shift, 144-Crystalline Grid and the expansion into 12 dimensions, you are able to draw the attributes & codes of these higher time periods into a more direct harmonic relationship with the ongoing up-shift of humanity in the current time. The codes of these eras will allow for a much closer interface with the 3 Golden eras mentioned.

This will assist humanity by allowing the simultaneous time aspect of those phases to integrate more completely with the evolving phase you are entering. The two phases the era of the Golden Age of Greece and of Poseidon.

The Golden Codes of Greece & Poseidon will be brought in through the planetary ‘Naval’ (umbilical ) Portal of Delphi and the Codes of Golden leMuria will enter the earthplane at Rapa Nui.

This will occur through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions and be received via the 10th, 11th and 12th physio chakras in the Mer-Ka Na field, and through the 20th and 33rd chakras of the etheric levels of the Mer-Ka-Na field.

It should not surprise you that all 3 of these (prior) Golden Ages were phases in which many of you were and are , in simultaneous time), present. We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the ‘Renaissance Portal’. That is why some of you will be called to anchor these energies in download at the two primary Star-Gates of Delphi & Rapa Nui. This is the reason we directed the channel to take groups to these locales over the two equinoxes of 2013.

The first five Schumann resonances overlap with the brain frequency bands. Note: Brain waves are grouped according to their frequencies and are labeled with Greek letters. Their most common frequencies include alpha, beta, delta and theta.


Frequency Range

State of Mind

0.5Hz – 4Hz

This occurs in a deep dreamless sleep or unconsciousness.



4Hz – 7Hz

This is associated with drowsiness. It also occurs at first stage of sleep and during deep meditation, when we are awake but open to mental imagery. It has been associated with creativity, intuition daydreaming and fantasizing. Believed to reflect activity from the limbic system and increased activity is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation and inhibition.



8Hz – 12Hz

This is the major rhythm seen in a normal, relaxed adult. It is present during most of life. It is considered a common state during alertness but not actively processing information. Alpha has been linked to creativity (creative people show alpha when listening and coming to a solution) and mental work. Alpha activity is also associated with overall mental and body/mind coordination, calmness, alertness and learning.



12Hz – 30Hz

Beta reflects highly active processing. Occurs during normal waking consciousness and outward attention. Slow beta: 12-17 is normal information processing and mental activity; Fast beta: 17-30 is heightened alertness and fight or flight, or anxiety.



30Hz – 100Hz

This is associated with waking states and can occur when we are simultaneously processing information in both brain hemispheres. Whales and dolphins also operate in these frequencies.


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