Support Your Immune System
More than ever before we have to ignore the medical advice from doctors and so called experts and put our health and healing into our own hands. With a dramatic jump in heart disease, miscarriages, infant death, neurological disorders and auto immune diseases since the beginning of this “medical intervention” of a forced or coerced inoculations, our immune systems have been compromised.
Apple cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been traditionally used since many years ago to treat a certain number of diseases including hyperlipidemia which is known as a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar also contains a substance called mother, which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky appearance. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar to clean wounds more than 2,000 years ago. Live Apple Cider Vinegar can help kill pathogens, including bacteria, fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections according to a 2017 study in Scientific Reports.
When you crush apples and add yeast, you’ve kicked off a process known as fermentation, which converts the juice into alcohol. With the addition of bacteria, the alcohol turns into acetic acid, i.e. the same organic compound that gives vinegar a sour taste and smell. Voila! You’ve just made apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar showed antifungal properties against Candida spp., thus representing a possible therapeutic alternative for patients with denture stomatitis (Guiné, et al, 2021). A 2019 study conducted on zebrafish found that dietary apple cider vinegar (ACV) has beneficial effects on zebrafish (Danio rerio). It up-regulated the expression of the appetite stimulant gene (GHRL) in zebrafish. ACV resulted in beneficial effects on the oxidative status and up-regulated the expression of immune relate genes on zebrafish. Another article which researched “Apple Cider Vinegar” and if it “Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Reduces the Risk of Obesity in High-Fat-Fed Male Wistar Rats” Their conclusion was that it was protective against oxidation in high fat diets by “modulating antioxidant defense system and reduces the risk of obesity-associated diseases by preventing the atherogenic risk.”
Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. A 2014 study of female mice found that apple cider vinegar could reduce blood lipids. A 2018 study of male rats found a link between apple cider vinegar and improved cardiovascular health. Even though the rats ate a high fat diet, apple cider vinegar reduced the risk of obesity, which has links to cardiovascular disease.
What’s more, evidence suggests it could possibly offer health benefits, such as:
- Aiding weight loss
- Reducing cholesterol
- Prevents atherosclerosis
- Alkalizing the blood
- Lowering blood sugar levels
- improving the symptoms of diabetes (by balancing blood sugar)
The Benefits of Humates
Humic acids build up the immune system and are important for overall health and vigour. Blood cells carry more oxygen in the presence of humic acid which leads to injuries healing more quickly. Humic acid aids in transporting iodine from foods into the thyroid. Humates block or reduce the production of stress causing hormones and work with DNA and cell division, preventing cellular mutation during reproduction. Humates/fulvates seem to suppress the “bad” microbes and stimulate the “good”. Fulvic acid is the world’s finest electrolyte.^
Fulvic acid has been call the “Elixir of Life” or Nature’s perfect medicine. Benefits include…
- Making otherwise unabsorbable nutrients absorbable
- Maintaining cellular activity
- Aiding in cellular detoxification processes
- Delivering more than 70 minerals and trace elements to cells
- Being a very powerful electrolyte that charges, regenerates, regulates and delivers its energies directly to living cells
- Balancing cellular life by restoring the electrical potential that was once normal for the cell, and balancing and energizing cell life.
- Being the catalyst for the utilization of vitamins, enzyme production and hormone structures and stimulating metabolic processes.
- Fulvic acid is antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal and seems to act as a prebiotic.
- Immobilising toxic heavy metals so that they are not absorbed into soils and plants
Humates have been shown to be effective against Coxsachie virus A9, herpes simplex virus 1 + 2, HIV, Influenza Type A and B and other respiratory tract infections. Humates help with anemia and toxic hepatitis. There are several brands on the market in both liquid and powder form. Personally I prefer the liquid form, you just pour it (30ml) straight in your water and drink. It has no taste but you feel the affects almost immediately. It gives me energy and suppresses my appetite so I can fast effectively.
Other benefits noticed by people taking humates include
- Improved skin and complexion
- Greying hair returning to original colour
- All round improvement in health
- No colds or allergies
- Increase in blood oxygen
- Lowering of fatty cholesterol levels with no change in diet
- Improved heart function
- 60 days on humates eliminated anemia which still hadn’t returned after 5 years
Humates have been described as being essential to life and are sadly lacking in most Australian soils.
In our ancient Australian soils, Humus content is down to 1.5% whereas it is estimated that 200 years ago (upon the settlement of the white man), Australian soils had approximately 4.5% Humus content. We need to add more Humus to our soils and, if we want peak health and performance in our animals, we need to be supplementing their diets with humates.
Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It’s mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. “Shungite matter is considered as a specific allotrope of carbon having complex globular supramolecular structure with the globules size of 5-10 nm and including 0.0001 – 0.001 % of natural fullerenes. ”
The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs. Fullerenes, which are found in shungite, are a type of carbon nanostructure (CNS). CNSs are different physical forms of carbon. According to a review (Al-Jumaili,Alancherry,Bazaka,and Jacob, 2017) conducted in Australia, CNSs can destroy harmful pathogens. They reportedly work by damaging the cell walls of bacteria and viruses. Additionally, when CNSs interact with microbes, the microbes lose electrons and die.
Shungite was known for centuries to heal skin and alleviate skin problems, recent studies have proven in-vivo that shungite reduces changes, roughness, pigmentation and wrinkling of skin; these unwanted skin phenomena, caused by oxidative stress put on the skin. It rejuvenates, detoxifies, and reduces inflammation of the skin, and its absorbent nature makes it a fantastic add-on to natural, nutrient-laden serums and creams.
Shungite’s surface is partly oxidized, which means that, when getting in touch with metals, toxic gases and plastics, it reacts and absorbs all the unwanted particles in toxic materials such as plastic, silicone, and asphalt.
Shungite and cancer have been connected ever since German studies on the effect of buckyballs came to existence; since then, nobody was quite sure whether it is safe enough to claim shungite as ‘the rock which cures cancer’.
Due to its antioxidant property, it helps in creating an alkaline environment in the body, which is unfavourable for cancer development (remember cancer needs an acid environment to survive) And it is proven that buckyballs, given to cancer patients during chemotherapy in small quantities, can alleviate post-radiation effects without diminishing the effect of radiation.
EMF PROTECTOR: shungite counteracts the harmful effects of EMF and radiation from computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices . In summary, Shungite is a carbon-rich stone that’s believed to reduce inflammation, cancer, oxidative stress, and EMF exposure. Some also claim it can purify water and relieve emotional stress.
Personally, I wear my shungite stones when I have an injury ( I have a pendant and a bracelet). I also have 3 shungite rocks in a copper vat and I find this purifies my water (Apparently you need the three as it creates a vortex in the water, so not only do the fullerenes transform and purify your water, it’s also being energised by a vortex energy-very cool!). I also have rocks on my desk by the computer to absorb the emfs produced by the screen. – If you use shungite. I’d love to hear how you use it and what benefits you’ve found. – My mum said the water always seems cold as well.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant produced by the liver to protect the body against free radicals, peroxides, and heavy metals. It can be made in the body by its precursors cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Many studies have found that damage to mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)which leads to aging can be coeracted by adequate levels of glutathione. These observations suggest a close relationship between oxidative stress, and mtDNA damage during the aging process. Mitochondria are the primary intracellular site of oxygen consumption and the major sourceof reactive oxygen species (ROS), most of them originating from the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Among the arsenal of antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes existing in mitochondria, mitochondrial glutathione (mGSH) emerges as the main line of defense for the maintenance of the appropriate mitochondrial redox environment to avoid or repair oxidative modifications leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death.
Glutathione exists in cells in 2 states: reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG).
- Reduced glutathione (GSH, or L-glutathione) is the active form. It repairs oxidative damage and oxidizes, becoming—
- Oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is the inactive form, which can be recycled back into active GSH.
It is hard to overstate the importance of glutathione, key roles of which are summarized in Table 1. It plays a crucial role in shielding cellular macromolecules from endogenous and exogenous reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. While it directly quenches some free radicals, of perhaps greater importance is that it deals directly with the causes of oxidative stress such as mercury and POPs.
In addition to being an antioxidant, glutathione plays a part in your body’s:
- Metabolism of toxins and cancer-causing substances
- Natural creation and repair of DNA
- Production of protein and prostaglandin, a compound with hormone-like effects
- Activation of enzymes
Glutathione also helps with the breakdown of nutrients and the regulation of important body processes, such as the immune response.
What Is Glutathione Used For?
Glutathione is purported to reverse the aging process, prevent cancer, and preserve memory. It is also said to protect against a wide range of health problems, including:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Alcohol use disorder
- Asthma
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Colitis
- Cataracts
- Diabetes
- Glaucoma
- High cholesterol
- Heart disease
- Hepatitis
- Lyme disease
- Liver disease
- Mitochondrial damage
- Osteoarthritis
- Parkinson’s disease
Glutathione dietary supplements and personal care products are widely available for purchase online and in many health/ natural-food stores, pharmacies and vitamin outlets.
Please read my other articles on cancer and the Cell Cycle of Cancer.
*** This article is not meant to serve as medical advice. Please do your own research.
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